

the word "disaster" comes so quick

so quick, so quick.

nowhere to run...nowhere to hide

well. that was the strangest autumn ever.

florida's first frost. i saw it this morning as i left my hood.


there's one patch of city grass right as i get to hwy 27. it's not even suitable for a swingset but i saw it: one oddly shaped patch in the naked section, dew in the form of ice, maybe ten feet around, total.

in all of that, i still felt slightly overdressed. gloves, beanies, and bandannas are the best things. two layers of sock.

and a t-shirt in the bag.

welcome to the FL.

it's november.


w - w - w

remember kids:

Wool stays Warm when it's Wet.


i can count the number of times i've been honked at on my way to or from school this semester on one hand.

one of those fingers was this morning. (ha!)

listen, in case you didn't know:

it's dangerous for cyclists to swerve in traffic. because of this, if i'm on a street that is narrow, and one block down it widens, and then one block further it narrows again, i'm NOT going to take advantage of that extra room for the one block it lasts.

because then i'll have to swerve back into line when the road narrows again. and that's not safe for any of us.

get over it.

besides, i always catch you at the next red light. and pass you.


strongly disagree, disagree, no opinion, agree, strongly agree

just for the record, when you take undergrad psych classes at a research university, you will probably be required to be test subjects in grad student's experiments.

i know i am.


it's interesting. these days, it's really easy for me to write riffs. but no lyrics. until recently.

i've now got about two pages of random lyrics. which is good. i wish i had time at night to work on it. that's when i'm most creative.


so, autumn. it's here. and it's awesome. isn't it perfect weather for camping? isn't it?

isn't it??


here's some haikus i wrote about riding a fixed gear bike:


cloud of morning breath
quick look over left shoulder
morning comes too soon

dry and crumbled leaf
you travel with me, lowly
earthen ash and dust


down this morning hill
legs increasing cadence still
test of faith? or skill?


red light, o despair!
for i can only stand there
i have no balance!


bullhorns cold in hand
climb the evening hill fast
over all too soon


oh god i forgot
my lights and now i am dead
stupid DST