
strongly disagree, disagree, no opinion, agree, strongly agree

just for the record, when you take undergrad psych classes at a research university, you will probably be required to be test subjects in grad student's experiments.

i know i am.


it's interesting. these days, it's really easy for me to write riffs. but no lyrics. until recently.

i've now got about two pages of random lyrics. which is good. i wish i had time at night to work on it. that's when i'm most creative.


so, autumn. it's here. and it's awesome. isn't it perfect weather for camping? isn't it?

isn't it??


here's some haikus i wrote about riding a fixed gear bike:


cloud of morning breath
quick look over left shoulder
morning comes too soon

dry and crumbled leaf
you travel with me, lowly
earthen ash and dust


down this morning hill
legs increasing cadence still
test of faith? or skill?


red light, o despair!
for i can only stand there
i have no balance!


bullhorns cold in hand
climb the evening hill fast
over all too soon


oh god i forgot
my lights and now i am dead
stupid DST

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