
springtime tallahassee

seriously, folks, what's better than 75 degree weather in december??


t-shirts at christmas!!  bring it back!!

curse you, cold front.

this is simply a letter of protest.


eat a peach

am i fine because i'm fine?
or am i fine because i'm not thinking about it?

or are things simply too busy for me to focus
on more than one thing at a time?

i'm fine. for now.

emotionless almost.


a frank discussion

since it's a....ew. hold on.

since it's a slow week here on campus, and i'm stuck at work doing nothing from nine to five this whole week, i'm going to start a frank discussion.

first off: bernie mac. the man died. he was 50. he had a lung condition. he was funny. i started watching his show randomly once i got cable. at first i thought it was just some b-grade thing created so fox could have re-runs to show during the summer.

not. the case.

the show was funny. it had mostly black people in it. but that's not what made it funny.

bernie mac was funny.

the writing was good.

it was a funny show.

other than the show itself, it seems that bernie mac was a real person. he grew up in hard times in chicago, he had rough stuff happen in his life, and he made good.

on top of that, he wasn't a christian scientist, as far as i can tell. i think that's important.
bernie mac, i salute you. here here.

second: campus. parking on campus is awesome. i don't know what people are talking about "parking on campus is horrible."

in fact, i was riding my bicycle to work today (i work on campus. didn't you know?) and saw numerous student parking spots in garages and lots, even in the middle of campus!

third: halo 3. this is a game i like to play. i played it often. and then i quit. then i started playing again, but not as often. in truth, i don't even own the game. i'm borrowing it from a friend who never plays it. i've had it more than 6 months, i'm sure. i should remedy this situation. if you play and you like it, we should do this together. i'm slightly more than mediocre, if mediocre means "middle" which i think it does. it reminds me of "median."

fourth: band. i played with a band. for reference purposes, i typically play alone. which sounds sad. and i didn't think it was sad until i played with a band. then i realized that playing with a band makes playing alone sad.

fifth: sometimes playing alone is easier for many reasons. A: it requires less overhead. only one schedule has to be reconciled. the only feelings around to be hurt are one person's. B: if you make a mistake while performing alone, it can be easier to play it off. for instance: i tend to forget the lyrics to the songs that i wrote, which is strange because i wrote them. so, i forget them alot of times because i focus on something else, like the instrument i'm playing or the giant hole in the front of my pants, or the kids playing ping-pong just a few feet away. some of the time, i just get lost in the music i'm playing and forget to sing. either way, i occasionally forget my words. when this happens, i just keep playing chords until i remember, and then i sing them. this would be harder to do if i wasn't alone.

sixth: dinosaurs. when i was a kid i really liked dinosaurs. i think i started taking an active interest in dinosaurs when i was seven. maybe six. my best friend josh barber and i collected books and stickers and pencil erasers that looked like dinosaurs. we also played transformers and vampire, but that's not about dinosaurs. we would occasionally get so caught up in playing on the playground, swinging or revealing the matrix, that we wouldn't realize that there were no other kids on the playground and recess was over. that's not about dinosaurs either. so, i found out that paleontologists are the ones that learn about dinosaurs and i wanted to be one and so i learned how to spell paleontologist. my initial attempt was, i think, p-a-l-e-o-n-t-o-l-g-s-t, which was pretty good for 7. i realized later that i was wrong.

seventh: i no longer want to be a paleontologist.

eighth: the internet is strange. when i was seven, the year was 1988. how did i even find out about paleontology? also, the ankylosaurus is still my favorite.

ninth: eh. i'm done.

tenth: when i started blogging, i wasn't hungry, but now i am. it's been about an hour. i have raisins in my bag.



here's how to buy my crap on iTunes


if you want to buy the Deft EP by In Wrath, click that button above that says "itunes."

if i copied and pasted correctly, it should open your itunes and you'll see the ep.

you can buy it, or you can just write a review about it, if you already own it.

yeah. thanks!



new corkboard mac



Updated Album Info!

hey. sorry to be annoying, but i'm excited.

Constant Records just updated their site with info on the EP.
Also, i updated the In Wrath purevolume site with a song and artwork, etc.

check it out and let me know what you think.


show, May 23rd, 9pm, free, illations cafe


my band, in wrath, which is me, is playing a show this friday, the 23rd at illations cafe (http://www. myspace. com/illationscafe)

i'm going on last, though i'm not sure why. actually, i'm okay with it.

anyways. come see me.

it's free, and the show starts at 9, and i'll go on around eleven maybe? maybe ten thirty.

there's three other bands besides me:

blair mcdaniel (he's good, from what i hear.)
paul chapman (ask this man his views on...well anything. it's fun.)
the silence (i have no idea who these people are. they have a good name though.)

and me. it says on the flyers "josh atkins", though it should read "in wrath" because that's really what's going on.

also, and i guess it's sort of a big deal, i'll be releasing my first EP that night. it's also the first release by tallahassee label Constant Records. (http://constantrecords.blogspot.com)

in wrath is very proud to be a part of the Constant Coalition! thanks to Chortley.

i'll have it in CD and...cassette tape. for real.

see you there.

let me know if you have any questions.


a lesson on the compact disc and its derivatives (or, how things can be too good to be true)

okay, so, i said earlier...

"hey look at me i'm getting my first cd pressed, not burned!" and you all were impressed. i was impressed.

i am now ashamed.


i just picked up my 50 shiny new discs, with full color printing on the face.

while i was talking to my contact, i noticed that the prevailing color running up and down the spindle of discs was of a greenish hue.

as soon as i got in the car...i flipped the disc...and beheld the glory that is cd-r (formerly known as cd-wo.)

so, i did some research and found out some things about cd's:

1) short-run duplication of cd's typically means "we use cd-r's" which makes sense once i realized
2) burning cd's is radically different than pressing cd's. burning is done with a laser beam. pressing is done physically to the cd.

let's go over that one again, more in depth and in a different order:

pressing cd's involves physically pressing the grooves and pits into the physical disc using a glass master which i think is also a negative form of the final product.

burning cd's is done by using a laser beam to burn grooves and pits into a layer of dye on the cd-r, using data from a master cd, or a computer, or a tape, or whatever..

two totally different things.

also when one presses a cd, it involves making and then baking (!) a master. that's right. music is cooked.

in summary:

a) making a real cd is way more like stamping vinyl than i thought.
b) burning cd's just seems cheap in comparison.

on the plus side, my cd's have a nifty picture printed on the face instead of the words "sony" or "memorex" or..."80 minutes" i guess.

that's good.

and it's not, i repeat not!!! on a paper label that's been slapped on top of said words. it's actually printed on the disc itself.

that my friends is, at the very least, high-falutin' and serves as some sort of consolation.

i'm sort of bummed.

but. i suppose it's not bad. it is my first release. i was planning on giving it away anyways.

or at least asking for small donations. or something.


here's some haps:

1. i am playing a show. i've said this (and been told it) many times before and was incorrect...or lied to...or something. but this time, i don't know how it could be wrong.

i'm playing May 23rd at a place called "illations cafe" here in tallahassee. i think it's on raymond deihl road.

i'm playing with three or four other acts and the show starts at nine. i apparently go on around ten. which i guess means i'm playing second or third.

2. since i have these shiny new cd-r's i plan on having them for give (or get depending on your perspective) at the show. so, if you'd like three songs recorded and written and performed by me, there's your chance. hopefully i'll have cool packaging.

more than likely, it will be cooler in my head than it turns out, but i'm sure it will still be great.



maybe the sun will shine today

the clouds will blow away...

maybe i won't feel so afraid.


well, this is the last day of the semester, officially. i have an exam in about an hour and i have a bike outside that i'm going to ride. you can ride it if you like.

i'd give it to you if i could, but i'm selfish.

so, what lies in store for the summer? eh, just more work. lots of sweat. lots of water and electrolyte replacement drinks.

fun times?


hanging out?

i hope so.

learning new things, playing new music?

probably not, but one can dream.



i will try to understand

either way.



i should be writing a paper.

but i'm not.

actually, i am, i just got distracted.

i haven't written in so long. i don't have time to just sit here and write about the happenings.

the haps.


saw iron and wine last night at the moon, right here in tallahssee.

it sucked.

i'm putting out a cd. i'm turning in the master on saturday along with a cash payment for the pressing.

that's right. i said pressing. my first disc and i'm going in style. none of this cd-r crap.

the music may be crap, but at least it will be polished and shiny.

after this semester is over (in two weeks) i'll have only the summer classes, the fall semester and a student teaching internship and i'm gone.

it's starting to hit me that college life is coming to an end. no longer will i be able to meet random cool people from all walks of life. instead, i'll have to work with snotty young adults who wish they were college age.

what was i thinking?

just kidding. but i realize now why old people always say..."man, college was great..." and sigh. because there really is nothing like college. it is great.

writing papers sucks, but the social aspects are understated. greatly.


my wife has four less teeth in her head than she did the day i married her. no, we don't live in mississippi. i knocked them out. with the help of a few thousand dollars and a phenomenal oral surgeon.

talk to you next year.


endure this tragedy

"you should know by now
that we never come in peace..."